Job Vacancy 2024 at Epic Heritage Hub, calling for dedicated experts.
This is an innovative business enterprise with the vision of adding value to the society through creative solutions,
promoting cultural heritages and multimedia productions.
Epicmore and Services:
Epicmore is the brand name because, it houses our range of services.
Our multimedia business gives the following services: Digital Printing, Cooperate brandings, Publishing, Academy; Event Management, Photography, Videography, Editings, Event Coverages and General Multimedia Services.
The vacancies to apply for, job description, engagement type, salary attractive and bonuses are specified below:
Job Vacancy 2024.
1. Marketing Officers:
Job Description: Getting people to publish their stories, profile, events etc on the magazine, referring subscribers on our monthly publication (online and offline), selling of advert spaces on the magazine and coordinate dispatch to subscriber in your region. (Note: referral bonus points to be enjoyed)
2. Photo & Video Graphers:
Job Description: The employees are engaged to cover events, editing of video and pictures for monthly productions. Representing the magazine in government house and cooperate organization. Covering events and documentary.
3. Content & Creative Writers:
Job Description: The employee shall develop on the spot and event news, develop stories that revolve around our vision and mission. Forwarding the softcopy for reviews before publication. Intensive hunting for news and catching stories. (We give Award to the most performing staff).
4. Series Coordinators:
Job Description: We have Series on our Magazine (Enter Series & Epic Book Award Series). These programs are designed to promote tourism, hospitality industry, creative creators, authors and diversify for possible market and socioeconomic boost. The employees shall coordinate, optimize opportunities and hunt for promotions.
5. Dispatchers:
Job Description: The employees shall ensure that all subscribers get the magazine at the door posts.
Job type: Hybrid (working remotely and report to the head/branch office 4 times monthly.
Salary: Very Attractive (with monthly bonus).
Application is open. Click here to submit application.